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Why Are Rolex Watches So Expensive?                                                                               

To understand why Rolex watches are so expensive, you must first… More

(1 Votes)

Which Luxury Watch Brands Retain Their Value?                                                                                                   

Many people who are new to the watch world question which luxury watch… More

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What is the Dead-Beat Seconds Complication?                                                                                               

If you look at a watch with a dead-beat seconds complication, you would… More

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What is the Best Watch Size for Your Wrist                                                                                             

In a perfect world, you'd try on a variety of watches to test which one… More

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What is a Quartz Watch                                                     

The three primary types of quartz watches are battery, solar, and kinetic.… More

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What is a Dive Watch?                                                   

What is a dive watch? Do only divers use dive watches? Are they practical… More

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What Does It Mean to be Swiss Made?                                                                               

Although your watch may be Swiss made, that does not mean that it is 100… More

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Watches 101: Your First Professional Watch                                                                                             

Investing in your first professional watch is something that every man… More

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Watches 101: The 12 Most Popular Watch Hands                                                                                                 

Have you noticed the unique styles and designs of watch hands? Would you… More

(1 Votes)

Watches 101: The 10 Most Popular Watch Case Shapes

You probably know what a round, square, or rectangular watch case looks… More

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Watch Glossary: The Beginner's Guide to Watch…

This watch glossary is your go-to guide for learning about watch terms and… More

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Watch Case Materials: The Go-To Guide for Buying…

When looking to buy a watch, there are many decisions you'll have to make.… More

(1 Votes)

Watch Brands 101: Seiko Watches                                                                       

Interested in a Seiko watch, but want to dig a little deeper? Now you can… More

(1 Votes)

Watch Brands 101: Rolex Watches                                                                       

It doesn't matter how much you know about watches Rolex is a household… More

(1 Votes)

Watch Brands 101: Omega Watches                                                                       

Its not surprising that Omega is regarded as one of the top luxury watch… More

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